Project details: London Borough of Islington was undergoing a complete online transformation. Their website was being migrated from Microsoft SharePoint to Sitecore and needed Interaction designers to help re-engineer several areas of their website.
•    Helped Islington council design their new website from the ground up. Working with the GDS guidelines, helped the council re-engineer several transactional, functional and content areas of the website including 
o    Council Tax Registration
o    Waste Management 
o    Adult Social Care and Health
•    I served as a full lifecycle Interaction designer - taking requirements from discovery to delivering fully tested prototypes. 
Stakeholder management:
•    The process started with understanding the requirement from the business analyst
•    I then worked with council service heads to evolve my understanding of their department and the requirement at hand, set KPIs and manage their expectations
•    I conducted qualitative research by interviewing internal stakeholders like department heads, social workers and other relevant members of the council. I aligned closely especially with social workers in areas such as Adult Social Care where meeting the end user was not allowed as they were deemed vulnerable
•    I carried out quantitative research included analysing the website’s google analytics data with the BAU team and working with Islington’s call centres to acquire and analyse demand over council’s phone lines
•    I ran ethnographic research wherever possible and attended council organised meetings especially with groups of residents who were disabled to deepen my understanding of their needs
Design and testing:
•    I produced HTML prototypes using a GDS toolkit like framework and evolved them iteratively
•    I conducted guerrilla research with users at Islington council’s customer centre to validate designs and then evolved them iteratively
•    I ran the prototypes through peer review and show and tell sessions to get further consensus
Developer Collaboration and design implementation:
I worked closely with developers and solutions architects first while designing prototypes and subsequently when getting the designs implemented. One particular area of challenge was finding ways around the council’s older technical infrastructure.
Case Studies: Islington Council Digital Transformation
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